If you are having difficulties running your CD-ROM, we recommend trying the following:
1. If you use File Sharing, turn it off. File sharing will often greatly slow down your applications on the Macintosh.
2. If you experience freezing or crashing of the Discover program, it is recommended that you diable all System Extensions that you are not using.
To do this: Open the System Folder. Open the Control Panels Folder. Open the Extensions Manager control panel. In the Selected Set: pop-up menu button, choose Mac OS Base. Click on the RESTART buttons.
** Disabling unneeded extensions can cut down greatly on your problems in many applications, and it may decrease the loading time at startup of your computer.
3. We recommend disabling the ATM control panel extension if you have it installed and active.
** See #2 above for directions. It is recommended that you disable all 3rd party font
management programs when running the Discover CD-ROM
4. For faster performance of the Discover program, you can load the Discover program onto the hard drive of your computer. Please be aware that you may load the contents of this CD-ROM for playback on 1 and only 1 computer at a time, as per the Software License Agreement ⌐2000 Carole Marsh/Gallopade International, Inc.
To install the Discover program to your hard drive, follow the directions listed in the Read Me document also located on this CD-ROM.